Savvy has been diligently preparing for Licensing Expo, which is coming up next week June 2-4 in Las Vegas. We have a deep toe hold into the Licensing Industry, and provide Social Media (and Licensing) services to a number of Agents and Brands. So, we haven’t had a lot of time to blog lately…
However, we have seen a few articles that we’d like to note that are worth reading…
The first is a well done blog called Fueling New Business that is targeted towards the Ad Agency world. They provide new business development training that helps agencies in getting new clients, more strategically. This week they sent out an email to go and vote on your favorite Ad Agency blog for the month of May. We voted for Blip, as we know the people at Martino Flynn from Rochester, NY. Click here to go see the nominees.
The second is an article called Networks Cross Platforms To Lure In More Viewers, from Multichannel News. It talks about how independent programmers are beefing up their investment in multiplatform plays, using online, on-demand, HDTV and mobile offerings to gain viewer, advertiser and operator attention. It goes on to say that they are using these strategies in order to overcome the tougher distribution climate (getting into viewer’s homes via traditional distribution methods). The Gospel Channel, Hallmark Channel and Ovation TV are presented as case studies for success.
The last article worth checking out is Play Nice: Legal Issues on Twitter/Social Media. We always think about what we tweet on Twitter for ourselves and for clients, but this is a really good common sense article about what not to do.
That’s the wrap up. You’ll be hearing more from us at the Licensing Expo as we’ll be tweeting away, and you can look forward to our post-show POV. See ya’ in Vegas!