Blogger’s Block
Image by Olivander via Flickr You haven’t heard from us in a while…well, we’d like to say it’s for good reason. Like, we just finished up a stellar engagement with DIRECTV. Or, we’ve taken on another initiative with the Skin Cancer Foundation. How about we’re going through a re-branding. Yes, like most agencies, we can […]
Savvy Strategy Presenting Social Media Webinar to L.I.M.A. Members
Sheryl Victor Levy will be presenting via webinar to the International Licensing and Merchandisers’ Association Members this coming Wednesday, May 6th from 12-2pm, on how to leverage Social Media to market and grow your business. Click here to learn more. The webinar is free to all L.I.M.A. members, and $95 to non-members. In attendance will […]