The Minority Report: A Technology Crystal Ball?
My husband and I have become addicted to Netflix On Demand. I kid you not. As new parents with two careers, this is our new playground. Recently, we were watching the Minority Report with Tom Cruise, and an incredible number of technology advances — considered futuristic when the movie premiered in 2002, are now today’s […]
The iPad…It’s Just The Beginning
Ok, so by now you have heard of Apple‘s newest gadget, the iPad, and all the jokes that surfaced inspired by its infamous name. You might ask yourself why, why wouldn’t you call it the iSlate or an other name than something that sounds like a feminine hygiene product? Well, the answer probably resides in […]
The CableFax Web Awards
Last week, CableFAX announced their finalists in its 2010 Best of the Web Awards, honoring the cable industry’s top Web sites, online campaigns and initiatives. Winners will be announced and honored at an awards luncheon on April 28 at the Grand Hyatt in NYC. CableFAX will also salute the people behind the scenes making these […]
Blogger’s Block
Image by Olivander via Flickr You haven’t heard from us in a while…well, we’d like to say it’s for good reason. Like, we just finished up a stellar engagement with DIRECTV. Or, we’ve taken on another initiative with the Skin Cancer Foundation. How about we’re going through a re-branding. Yes, like most agencies, we can […]
The Buzz of 2009
Savvy’s team got together and decided what we thought were the top tags, or, buzz words for 2009. We’ve taken the best of the Marketing, Social Media and Technology worlds and created our version of the 2009 tag cloud. Got any additions or comments — they’re welcome! So, bring ’em on! Have a Happy New […]