Blogging For Good

Hi. It’s me. I’m back again. Been busy. And quite frankly, a bit uninspired to blog. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I know blogging is important. But, it’s been so challenging lately. Issue is, I’m SO OVER reading digital journalist’s posts about the next thing with Siri, the iPad3, Verizon & ATT’s service, what […]

The Minority Report: A Technology Crystal Ball?

My husband and I have become addicted to Netflix On Demand. I kid you not. As new parents with two careers, this is our new playground. Recently, we were watching the Minority Report with Tom Cruise, and an incredible number of technology advances — considered futuristic when the movie premiered in 2002, are now today’s […]

Are You In Social Hibernation?

It’s been since August that I’ve logged in to my blog. Yep, I’ve pretty much broken every personal branding and SEO rule out there, including the rule of blogging 3 times per week. I’m a bad, bad girl. I’d like to blame it entirely on the fact that I’m a consultant with a newborn. I’m […]

savvy Summer Fridays 3

Well, Summer is coming to a close folks. With just one weekend left until Labor Day, it’s time to put those white pants to the back of your closet and get out the barn jacket, because Fall is almost upon us. A couple of interesting shifts in the way of social media that have really […]

Reinventing Yourself

Last week I attended a “Lunch With Benefits” conference call courtesy of Step Up Women’s Network, the non-profit I’m involved with here in NYC. The call was hosted by Pamela Mitchell, the founder of the Reinvention Institute in Miami and was about “reinventing yourself” as it relates to your career. Whether you want to start […]

savvy Summer Fridays

Image by Jagrap via Flickr Gosh, don’t you love Summer Fridays? Throughout my career, I’ve been fortunate to have been at some agencies and media companies who gave us Summer Fridays…Ahhh, there’s nothing like having every other Friday off, or, getting out at 1pm. It was like leaving early from school. School’s out! But currently, […]

savvySTRATEGY Launches WEtv Desktop WEdget

savvySTRATEGY was engaged by WEtv to design and produce their advertising sales desktop widget. The widget serves as an electronic media kit that streams real time information to the advertising community including: Programming Schedule, Logos, Videos, Games, Media Math Calculator and the ability to contact both their Ad Sales and Affiliate Sales contacts. Controlled by […]